Esse é um dos resultados conquistado quando se luta contra a corrupção
Quando eu resolvi enfrentar a corrupção eu tinha convicção daquilo que
estava fazendo como parlamentar, agora estou colhendo o fruto do meu trabalho,
e meu desejo é que este momento vivido por nosso município se prolongue por
muitos anos.
It is good to see someone fighting the corruption here. To see long term results, the people who were stealing money from us need to go to prison and the money needs to be recovered too. If this does not happen, the cancer will continue to grow again and again. If there is little to no punishment for the crime, why will people stop being corrupt? Where are the convictions and money today?
It is good to see someone fighting the corruption here. To see long term results, the people who were stealing money from us need to go to prison and the money needs to be recovered too. If this does not happen, the cancer will continue to grow again and again. If there is little to no punishment for the crime, why will people stop being corrupt? Where are the convictions and money today?